Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Imaginary Mashed Potatoes

Suddenly, I'm a blogging fool! I got this picture today of Maddie while I was making Christmas care packages for some friends (this involved baking). Maddie wanted to make her own care packages for her friends, so I set her up on the floor for a little "cold cooking". :)
She just melts my heart! I was thinking today about how un-self conscious babies are, and wondering when they learn embarrassment. I was wondering this after watching Maddie pee and then spit up for the third time in the bath water. (Don't worry, I drained the tub!) My thoughts continued on, but I'm not really that kind of blogger, and I'm guessing you're not really that kind of reader. :)

Sooo, back to the photo: Please note that she would not be kind enough to remove her vehicle from the cooking space. She parked it neatly, but I guess she wanted a quick getaway handy in case she needed it!

Monday, December 14, 2009

No Sleep For Mommy

Well, this post does not have any pictures. Just a little whining. :) I have been having the WORST nightmares about horrible, freak accidents happening to Maddie! In my dreams, it's usually my fault too. It's really bad. I wake up with that sinking feeling in my stomach, convince myself it was a dream, and then have to go stare at my sleeping baby until I am convinced she is breathing. Occassionally, I accidentally wake her up, and then I have to deal with getting her back to sleep. (She sees me and thinks it's playtime because Mommy snuck into her room!)
Anyway, that's about the extent of this post. Just wondering if this happens to all you other parents out there. All these nighttime hysterics are really cutting into my beauty sleep!
O.k. I can't post a blog without a picture. I thought this one was funny. She's making her really-excited-breathing face. Rarely captured by media of any form. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maddie Walks (In a Cheating Sort of Way)!

Well, as usual, it's been a really long time since I've updated this! So I thought I'd do a little compilation of Maddie's efforts towards walking, and end the video with Maddie just walking around being herself. I realized when going through the videos just how much footage I have of Maddie just being Maddie. Ha! I feel like the paparazzi!
Things here have been very busy lately! I started work at the hospital I'm at, and that means Maddie is in daycare 1-2 days a week. This was a tough decision, but in the end, we think it's the best. She seems to like the other kids, and I really like the daycare. Although I walked in the other day just in time to see another little girl pull the binky right out of Maddie's mouth and throw it at her head! It was actually kind of funny because she had a hard time getting it out of Maddie's mouth. Maddie gets a tight suction on those binkys! She started waving to Mike a few days ago, and for about 48 hours would ONLY wave to Mike! Now she she has graciously decided to wave to everyone. :) She also really likes climbing up the stairs. We walk right behind her (of course), and she barrel rolls the whole way down! Just kidding. Just seeing if you're actually reading. She giggles the whole way up, not barrel rolls down. :) I'll work on getting a video of these two latest accomplishments.
Mike is still liking his job and still not talking much about it unless I pump him for info. He had a really great time decorating for the holidays (so did I!)
I have decided to apply for anesthesia school, and I've been working on making my application for that complete. It's a competitive field though, and a really hard program, so I'll let you know what the final word ends up being. To start, I'm just applying to USC (the one in CA), and if I don't get in I'll apply elsewhere.
Here's the video:

I hope this blog finds all of you enjoying your Christmas Season!!