Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Day With Hats...

Maddie and I were playing dress-up today. The hats looked better on her than they did on me, so I only included the pictures of her wearing them. :)

She thrashes her arms and legs around when she smiles, so most of her happy pictures have the problem of this one. It's okay though. I think there are worse problems to have than being SO HAPPY that it takes over your entire body!

There's not too much new going on here, but I hadn't updated in a while. Maddie is 5 months now. She can roll over (and does regularly, at the most inopportune times!), and she can army crawl for short distances. She is also recovering from whooping cough and an ear infection. :(

Mike is happy at his job and has started doing extra stuff to spice up his life a bit.

I started running with another mom (and Maddie of course), and recently bought a trailer for my bike so Maddie can come along on bike-rides, too. Tomorrow, Maddie will stay with a buddy while I try 2 new things: 1) putting on a full wetsuit. Don't worry, there will not be pictures of that dance! 2) Swimming a mile in the ocean. Yikes! It is at least a cove swim, so I have that to assuage my fears a little, but I'm still scared. Plus, I have a bad habit of getting horrible songs stuck in my head during swims. Then, after the swim, I get to try to get the wetsuit back off. I am making these comments about the wetsuit because I tried it on in the living room tonight, and it was quite the comedy routine. I'll repost about how the swim goes.

Hope all is well with everyone reading this!


Pam said...

Cute baby, and cute hats! I bet you looked pretty cute in them, too. :)

Good luck with your swim!

Gloria McDonald said...

Love the lavender dress and hat. Wow.....she is so cute, Jenny. Pat came in and looked. He thinks the caption below the picture in the lavender hat should read: "I can't believe she's wearing my dress!" I can just see her with that same expression some day when somebody really does show up in the same outfit that she has on!

Gloria McDonald said...

Jenny, in the second picture Maddie looks just like that picture we have of Michael grinning. It made Pat and I both laugh. I can't wait to cuddle her!