Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tripping along the Country

We're back! I know it's been a long time, but it's been a busy time too! Maddie is growing like a weed! She will be 3 months and 3 weeks this Saturday, and she's so much fun as she grows!
All three of us went on a Meet-the-Grandparents trip a couple weeks ago, and it was a blast! Maddie's first flight was a long one, but she had the other passengers eating out of her hand by landing. Her smiles are contagious!
The first stop was in Dallas to see Grandma and Grandpa McDonald. We got to be there for a great thunderstorm (RARE out here in San Diego!), and Maddie got to hang with their new puppy - an adorable Golden Retriever. We met tons of very sweet people and had an awesome, relaxing time. It was nice to see Maddie bonding, and it was even nicer to get a much-cherished trip on the town with Mike while Grandma and Grandpa babysat! :-D

Oh! I forgot to mention that Maddie did her share of modeling work during the trip. It wasn't hard since we all kept dressing her up, and Gloria had a lion's share of cute baby-girl photo props!

The next stop was sunny SC! We landed on a rainy day after an easy plane ride on a small plane. Maddie spent most of it trying to beat the jet lag so she'd have smiles galore for the next family to meet.

We ate lots of good food, went on a beautiful hike, hung out with grandparents, great grandparents, and a great-great aunt (that makes her sound much older than she is-sorry Aunt Aggie!) Somehow, not a single picture of the great grandparents landed on my camera, but I did get one with Aunt Aggie.
AND... Mike and I are new Aunts and Uncles! We got to meet Sara's new family member too!

And finally, after many tears good-bye, our trip was over...or so we thought. We ended up stuck in Chicago overnight, re-routed through San Jose, then stuck in San Diego with no luggage (which contained our car keys!) At least all that happened at the end of the trip!


Pam said...

What a cutie! Sounds like ya'll have been busy -- great to see new pictures and get an update!

Gloria McDonald said...

I love this set of pictures and the trip write up. We had such a wonderful time with the three of you while you were in Dallas. We miss you all. Every time I walked by that car seat I felt sad for over a week. I finally stored it away in hopes of your return sooner rather than later.