Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, this blog is about a week late, but I think it's already been established that I pretty much suck at keeping up with this blog!
I was back in SC last week for a final farewell to being driving-distance from home. It was one of the most fun trips that I've taken home, as it was Oktoberfest weekend, and there were lots of people to see! I ran the race in the morning, and the temperature was fantastic for running! Happily, I did not come in last overall OR in my age group. :) Mum's the word on what my time actually was though, hehe.
Later that night, I was inaugurated into the nocturnal life of the Oktoberfest. Somehow I had managed to grow up in Walhalla without EVER attending the German heritage event of the year - man, I didn't know what I was missing. Actually though, I'm not sure if it was the events of the Oktoberfest or the hilarious friends that made the night so much fun. I spent the majority of the night in the beer tent (which is a blog to its own), and the rest of time making circuits of the place. Here are some snippets of the evening:

Heather: What will you name your baby?
Jenny: We've been unable to come to any agreements on the names so far.
Craig: So she'll be named Craigette (Craig started pulling for this name at the beginning of the evening, and by the end of the evening, it was all but assumed that this would be the baby's name)
Heather: You know, you can do a poll on blogspot and let people vote on the name they like best.
Jenny: Oooh, good idea. We have some names we like: Sophie, Lily, Ally, and Craigette.
Craig: I'm voting. I'll go in and vote lots of times every day! (Looking at Heather) You'll vote for Craigette too, right?
Heather: Um, no.

haha! And here are some superlatives for the night:

*Favorite Tip of the Evening*
Linda Combs: You know, they say that drinking a beer helps with breast feeding because it helps get the milk to flow.
Jenny: Ooooh!

*Most Notable Moment of Oktoberfest Experience*
When we got to the Beer Tent at 8:30 pm, Craig said, "Watch. Around 11, someone's going to whoop, and then someone else is going to go "Wooooohoooo!", and then the whole place will start whooping!
At 9:30, some let out a premature whoop, but it did not catch on.
Then, at 10:57 pm, the whooping started. It happened just as Craig predicted: One person whooped, then someone else did it, then the entire Beer Tent was a cauldron of whoops! It was fantastic!

Well, that's the end of my rocktoberfest stories. Unfortunately, I took no pictures, so I have no visual candy to share with you. :)
Incidently, I have baby belly pictures on my facebook page. I'll transfer them here when I get a chance! Here's the most recent though:

1 comment:

Sposa Bella Photography said...

Craigette rules!!!! what an awesome name!
Anonymous (aka Craig)
Love you, Jenny!!! ;-)