Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good food, good friends....good tail??

Well, tomorrow (9/15) is the big day - the 20 week ultrasound! I am ridiculously excited about this, and I say ridiculously because we are not even finding out the sex of the baby! Additionally, it's just a regular 2-D ultrasound (no fancy stuff), but I still can't wait to catch a glimpse of our little bundle! It'll be nice to put a face to the person who's been wiggling around in there. :) I will be sure to post an ultrasound picture as soon as Mike has seen it!
In other news, Mike and I went to a party this weekend, thrown by an out-going graduate class for an incoming graduate class. This class is called Test Pilot School, and it is very prestigious within the Naval community, as well as difficult to be accepted into. Of course then, it only follows that this group of elite pilots and engineers should be able to party their butts off, huh? (yeah, I was surprised too) These guys put the Rugby team at my old University to shame! haha, I will spare you the details, except for one. This particular detail, I felt, was really a defining theme of the evening.
Upon walking to the outdoor area of this party, one nearly ran into a large wooden object. To me, it resembled half of a skateboarding half-pipe, with a big hole in bottom. (I was quickly informed that it was a version of a "tailhook", which is the thing that helps to stop planes landing on an aircraft carrier.) Turns out, the hole was intentional, and the missing piece was a wheeled chair that was placed at the top of the ramp. True to engineer style, this was no normal chair. It had things sticking out all over the place. One of these things was a lever that the rider straddled in order to sit in the chair. The rider then catapulted himself off the top of the ramp, hurled down the ramp, and attempted (often in vain) to pull the lever at the precise moment that would drop a "catch" into the hole at the bottom of the ramp. If the rider's timing was imperfect, he and the chair would then be pitched off the ramp and into the dirt and grass awaiting him. Unfortunately, the kiddie pool that was intended to be placed at the bottom of the ramp for the unsuccessful players of the game sprung a leak and was unable to be used. You may notice that I am using the male pronoun. There is a reason for this. During the entire course of the evening, I did not see ONE female attempt this feat. However, the draw of the game did appear to have an inverse ratio though to the drunkenness of the crowd. The less coordination people had, the more fun it seemed to be to attempt something requiring just that. But that is a question for the ages...

1 comment:

heather said...

Hey Jenny!! I loved getting ultrasound pictures of our babies. We were looking at of Tommy (good Lord he's an adult now) and they were so terrible I couldn't tell what was a leg and what was an arm. Technology is so much better - I would have loved to have a 3D ultrasound. It's going to be so awesome :)
Anyway, I got the background for our blog at They're free and they have a ton of different designs (I'm constantly changing ours b/c I'll see another one I like!) And the birthday tickers came from and they also have pregnancy tickers. I hope you have fun with your blog!