Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Where is your THING???

Well, Maddie has now entered that active period between the baby-blob stage and the crawling stage, so I have come to the realization (the hard way!) that putting Maddie in one place only ensures that she will not be there the next time I look. That being said, you would think I would know better….

This morning, I put Maddie down on my great-grandmother’s hand-stitched baby quilt. Maddie likes to think of this quilt as a diving board off of which she can sail into the billows of honey-colored Deacon dander floating around the pink sea of carpeting. This morning however, I thought to myself, “Excellent work on vacuuming yesterday, Jenny! Now that little scamp can roll herself all over the carpeting, and at worst she will run into another baby toy!”

Little did I know that there was a malevolent THING lurking in the pinkness…

I, ignorant of the aforementioned THING, left Maddie to her gymnastic tumbles and turned to the kitchen. Her squeals of delight soon let me know that (I had nothing to dread? No, wait, that’s another story) she had flipped herself off of the beautiful, quilted launching pad and into the great unknown.

I finished up the dishes while Maddie creeped closer and closer to the THING…(enter Jaws music here).

I glanced over and saw Maddie cooing at her toes, so I returned my attention to making her breakfast. A mere 2 minutes (at most!) later, I set her breakfast – a yummy concoction of Tropical Delight and oatmeal – on the table and went to grab Maddie for her high chair. It was then that I realized Maddie had managed to find the ONE undesireable thing in the entire living room – she had caught up with that THING – A DIRTY SOCK! A SOCK - a dirty, cotton, tube sock to be exact - that Maddie had pulled out of one of Mike’s shoes that had been discarded beside the couch, and she was now working hard to fit the entire dirty tube sock into her mouth.

So here’s the picture:
Me – Horrified, running over to remove the offending item from my beautiful, happy, 7-month-old’s mouth.
Maddie – Cute, smiling, legs up in the air while she coos around a mouthful of sock which, in her mind, appeared to have been the choicest of baby food morsels.

*Sigh. In the end, no harm done (as far as I know!), but it just goes to show that no matter how much you clean, the baby will find what you have inevitably missed!

Or maybe it goes to show that one man’s sock is another gal’s treasure? Haha! (It’s okay to laugh at that – you’re at your computer and no one will know you’re laughing at a corny joke. Unless you’re Dad, in which case everyone knows you’re corny anyway!)

PS- Pics and details of the recent trip home will be posted shortly.


Michelle said...

See all you needed was a little prompting:)

Chris & Cindy said...

Just wait until she gets crawling - oh what she'll find then! :) Dad is trying to figure out why he is soooo picked on?! Said something about "getting even" ;p

Gloria McDonald said... sounds like Daddy may be in the dog house leaving that offending sock within reach. On the other hand, it might have been that nasty shoe in her mouth instead of the sock! Looking forward to seeing pictures from the trip. I've been checking for updates on your blog each day. Not that I have room to talk, I haven't updated since May!! OK, I'll do it this week. :)