Friday, June 5, 2009

A Visit From Afar (aka - Memphis)

Maddie would like to start this blog off by delivering an important reminder to everyone:

Now that everyone knows that, we had a great visit from Uncle Ken and Aunt Michelle last week! Although the weather was grey and less-that-warm the whole time (very unusual for SD, but 100% on out-of-towner visits so far!), we still had a great time. Just no laying out at the beach. :-/

We did get to visit the zoo though, and we snapped some great pictures:

This one is of Ken chatting with his buddy, Mr. Gorilla. The gorilla had a name, but I couldn't pronounce it. Ken remembered him from childhood though, and they reminisced about the good ole' days they shared as litter mates. (this is he and Ken chatting through the glass - you can see Ken there in his ugly tiger paw shirt, hehe)

Michelle and I tried to fit in, but it was obvious that we just weren't cut out to be monkeys:

So we moseyed on to the alligator pool, and got a shot of Mr. Alligator (crocodile?) modeling:

There are many more zoo pictures, but I don't want blogspot to kick me off for using all their web space. :)

Next, we went to Coronado Island, where the Hotel Del Coronado had a cool Dr. Suess statue exhibit!!

The beach was also pretty. Those statues have a great view!

Next came La Jolla. This is where the 'seals bite' sign from above came from. We visited "Seal Beach" aka "Children's Beach" (big fight going on between the seals and the children right now), and we got to see a lot of seals - including some baby ones! Michelle and Ken are very photogenic in front of one of the cliffs:

I didn't know it at the time, but Ken was actually holding onto Michelle in that picture. When he let her go later, standing overlooking the seals, she slipped and almost fell in to join them on the beach! (Just kidding, he wasn't really holding her. She just slipped on the sand, but I figure I might as well make jokes.) :)

We also went to Balboa Park - the central park of San Diego. This picture is from the botantical area of the park (you didn't think Maddie would go unrepresented, did you?!):

AND NOW....for the most exciting part!! The day before Ken and Michelle left, we went up to LA to see a filming of The Price is Right. Mike's brother, Sean, suggested that we all act super excited and wear college sweatshirts. We did that, and guess what?! Ken chatted up the interviewer and got himself called onto The Price is Right!!! Check out the show on June 12, and see my big bro up on the lineup. Also, check out the guy who beat Ken's bid by $2. The guy is ridiculous. And I'm not just saying that because he stole the Showcase from Ken! :)
This is Ken and Michelle at The Grove in LA:

Here is a cute picture of Ken and Michelle cuddling with Maddie:

I was sad to see them go, but we'll see them again soon!


Gloria McDonald said...

Can't wait to hear the rest!! I miss the ocean.......LaJolla is beautiful!

Michelle said...

Hey Jenny! The blog is awesome. I love the pic of us with Maddie:) It was great to see yal and to meet Maddie. The air date is actually June 16th:) I cant wait to see you in a couple of months. Talk to you soon! MWAH! Kiss Maddie for me:)

Chris & Cindy said...

Great pictures! Everyone all smiles even the animals!! It will be good to see you all soon!