Saturday, September 27, 2008

Painters Aren't Paid Enough!

I'm not sure how much painter ARE paid, but I'm pretty sure it's not enough. I have just spent the last week painting different areas of Mike's bachelor pad in order to try to fool a potential buyer into believing that it is not, actually, a bachelor pad. While doing this, I have realized the ultimate boredom that is painting. Most everyone knows that the trim is the worst part. Unfortunately, these walls have needed 2-3 coats of trim! So I do as much of the tedious trim work as possible first, in order to give myself large expanses of time where I can roll away with wild abandon in the wide open expanses of wall. (I eat my least favorite parts of dinner first also - I like to save the best for last) My plan with the trim was spoiled though, when I realized that even the rolling part (which also took several coats) was boring to do! I found myself trying to think of as many words/names as I could that ended in -ary. Garry, Larry, Mary, fairy, dairy, cherry, merry (oooh, homonyms are double points!), Jerry, airy, berry, carry, etc. That worked as a diversion for a while, but eventually, I ran out of words. There are only so many letters in the alphabet. In the end, I found myself covered in paint, sweating through my n95 respirator (which I was wearing to protect from paint fumes. This added to my looking completely ridiculous), and singing 80s hair band songs at the top of my lungs. Mike's neighbors loved me, I'm sure. The kitchen made it out of the deal looking much better however, with a new coat of paint. Unfortunately, there is still the rest of the house. And I am sure that painters are not paid enough.


Anonymous said...

i sympathize with you completely. i painted the entire house. every ceiling, every wall, every piece of trim, every door (some ceilings 2.5 times, some rooms twice, and two coats for just about everything). i'm very tired of painting! but the house is now done and it looks great! except in january we get to start on the basement...and add more walls...and paint...some...more.


ehouse said...

oh i think painters are paid enough...they are so stinkin' expensive! that's why we painted our entire house ourselves and i totally sympathize with you b/c it's such hard work. i don't think i've ever sweated so much in my life! the thought of moving and having to paint a whole 'nother house really blows!!