Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Beautiful Camera Work

One of the places that we stopped off along the way was at Mike's parents' near Dallas. His mom does fantastic work with photography, and these are two of the pictures that she took! I love how photographers can make you look so good, even when you're feeling HUGE!! :) I'd like to say that she photoshopped my belly, and it's not really that big, but then I'd be lying...

Spoils of a Wonderful Road Trip!

Well, we are basically done with the road trip. Tomorrow lands us in San Diego, and we can't wait to be done with driving! We have seen several fun signs along the way however, and I couldn't resist sharing! Here are some of the best:
  • The THING? dead ahead
  • Caution: Swirling Dust
  • THE THING? dead ahead
  • Zero Visibility possible ahead
  • THE THING? dead ahead
  • Several signs with bad puns playing on either Southern or Mexican lingo
You may have noticed a pattern with the Thing there. There were 224 billboards advertising this roadside attraction, although we resisted the temptation to go pay a dollar and see what The Thing? was. It will have to be a mystery for another road trip I suppose. Or, if you ever find yourself in Dragoon, AZ and itching for a mystery, you can go discover it yourself!

Monday, November 24, 2008

First Glimpse of Chubby Cheeks!

Mike and I went for a 4D ultrasound while we were in Dallas this weekend, and got a little preview of baby Mac's chubby cheeks! It is definite now that she is a girl (the ultrasound tech got some explicit photos during the scan, haha!), and it's also definite that she is a cutie! :) Maybe I'm biased though. It was awesome to do this with Mike because, as most of you know, he has been forced to miss a lot of the milestones due to work constraints. I'm attaching a clip of the video here for you all to get an early glimpse too! Mike actually edited this one together, but he was too shy to type a post for the blog. ;-)
In case, like me, you are not adept at the fine art of viewing ultrasounds, it shows a close-up of her face, and she has a hand up by her mouth. I was staring at a blob of placenta for the first 2 minutes of the ultrasound before I figured out what I was supposed to be looking at!
I can't wait to meet her for real!!!! Enjoy!

(oh, this is at 29.5 weeks)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The latest

Well, we are just leaving Memphis for Texarkana (sounds a little backwoods, huh?), and we shot a quick belly pic this morning. Now bear in mind that I'd just woken up, so don't judge the hair! Thought I'd post it to let you know how it's growing. I feeling like it's not really growing any faster than the rest of me! I'm starting to get really jealous of these people who look exactly the same except for the "basketball belly"! :) haha, 3 more months. I can do this...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Unsuccessful at Buying, Great at Producing!

O.K., maybe not GREAT at producing, but it's my first time! Here is about 2 minutes of our 10 day house hunting trip (which turned out to be an absolute failure), edited to my heart's content. :) Hope you enjoy it! We are actually right now getting ready to make the big drive *sigh. Cars, dogs, and crossword puzzles- sound like fun? I thought so too. Who needs a big fancy plane when we have a perfectly good, much slower and smaller, car?! More blogs and videos to come (as I find time!)